June 24, 2015

Dr. Altman and Staff,

I wanted to send you these photos of our wedding because you have been a big part in turning my life around. It was because of Dr. Altman and his team that I have gained the confidence and self-esteem that had been missing my entire adult life.  At the time of my first surgery I was 38. Dr. Altman changed my life the day he said he could help me. My birth defect caused by Poland Syndrome kept me from loving my body and in turn myself.  Now after 4 corrective surgeries over the past five years, I am able to wear my wedding dress with great confidence and joy.  Each member of you staff is now like family to me. Your support and encouragement has given me the gift of love... love of myself and the love of my life. Thank you Dr. Altman, Lynn, Jamie, Lillian, Jenny, Debi, and everyone there that played a role in my life changing surgeries. I just can't thank you enough...

- F.K.

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