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Sometimes someone makes a welcome return to the practice after an extended period of absence. It is typically one of my many wonderful patients who checks in for any number of reasons. Sometimes the visit is to introduce a new family member, or a friend, or often just to say hello. Like a friendly blast … Read the rest
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In the past, breast implant removal was most often performed in post-menopausal women in their 50,’s 60’s, and 70’s. Typically, these individuals experience increases of natural breast tissue over the years and they would like to remove the implants to reduce volume. Some patients would undergo a lift at the time of explantation (implant removal), … Read the rest
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SutureSelfMD “Empowering individuals with information to make better decisions about their out-of-pocket healthcare expenses.” Donald Altman, M.D., M.B.A. August 28, 2016 Injectable Epinephrine This is a demonstration to start a dialogue only and NOT meant to suggest or encourage a treatment modality for individuals requiring epinephrine injections Healthcare professionals can help patients or families needing … Read the rest
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We use “elbow grease” behind the scenes on a regular basis to keep our patients safe. Hannah, our nurse, and Anupa, our surgical technician scrub down our operating room to create a squeaky clean environment at IPSC. Patients do not always consider the importance of maintaining a pristine surgical environment in a plastic surgery practice. However, … Read the rest
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