Torn Earlobes: Minor Surgery, Big Return

A number of years ago I was completing surgery on a wonderful patient who had injured her earlobe months prior in a terrible dog bite accident.   Her psychologic and physical journey was the subject of Discovery Health ChannelTM  production.   At the end of this minor final step, I turned toward the camera and rambled into the microphone, “all done, Jiffy Lobe!,”   Not realizing in the moment that I had inadvertently infringed the name of a well-respected business, for this apologize.

Not all ear lobe surgeries are so complicated, and most are simple and rewarding to the patient.

Earlobe Repair

Ear lobe repairs are probably one of the most common procedures performed in the office.  Typically, it is a patient either whose earring has stretched the piercing over time and eventually pulls through.  Sometimes, getting caught on clothing or a phone cord is final activity before the tear is complete.

Over recent years, young individuals who have gauge ear piercings, particularly those interested in enlisting in the military, have been calling on our office for treatment.

Typically, the repair process is simple.  It takes about 20 to 30 minutes and is performed under a local anesthetic.  The front and back side of the tear are made fresh with a minor incision, and the ear lobe is repaired.  Patients can shower the next day.  Pain is minimal.  Small sutures are removed in 7 to 9 days.   Complications are exceedingly rare.   In the case of most individuals who are interested in wearing earrings again, the ears are re-pierced in our office 4 to 6 weeks after the initial treatment.   They are given temporary earrings that are left in place for 10 days.  After this time we suggest that the patients place high quality gold posts to prevent allergies to less expensive decorative metals.

As is the case for most of our patients undergoing minor surgery, patients are encouraged to eat a meal and to be well hydrated before the procedure. Patients drive themselves to and from the office.

Rarely, insurance coverage may help pay for the procedure, if there is a documented accident.   For example, if a curious toddler pulls on her mother’s hoop earrings.

The cash rate for repair of ear lobes is $750.00 for the first side, and $500.00 for the second side.

Please feel free to discuss your ear lobes with Dr. Altman.


Actual Patient of Dr. Altman’s

© 2010-2024 Donald Altman M.D.