June 24, 2015

Dr. Altman,

I wanted to let you know how very much we appreciate your gifted surgical talent, your caring and reassuring attitude, and the warmth and engagement of your wonderful support staff, during her recent tenure as your patient. We could not have asked for a more positive overall experience and feel fortunate to have had you as our surgeon.  On a personal note and from a mother's perspective, I want to tell you how emotionally moving it has been to watch her go through this transformation. Because of your skill, she now feels "whole" and complete in her own body. No more "masquerading" with padding, alternations, or other illusions in an attempt to "fill out" her form. You finished what nature forgot to, and in so doing, took her from what had been her sense of deformity and physical awkwardness to a heightened sense of her true femininity and beauty. She is beyond happy and I have had such joy (and relief) in witnessing this process unfold for her!  Thank you for delivering her safely and wisely through this process, for giving her a beautiful (yet conservative) aesthetic outcome, and for being the dedicated professional you are. Your touch has changed yet another life!

With Gratitude,


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